Five Keys for Co-parenting after Separation or Divorce
Since I am a relational person, it always hurts me to see a relationship come to an end. It is difficult to watch, and even more difficult to live through.…
Since I am a relational person, it always hurts me to see a relationship come to an end. It is difficult to watch, and even more difficult to live through.…
Perception: We all process our relationships through our own perceptions. However, when we relate to someone only through our own perceptions, it is one-dimensional. It will usually give us a…
I have a question: Have you ever sacrificed relationship for rights? Many times when I am coaching people, I tell them that they can be completely right and completely wrong at the same time over the same issue! How’s that?
That’s what happens when we sacrifice the relationship for the sake of being right! In relationships as in society, there are times when we fight to be right without thinking about how it may affect others.
Demanding to have my rights sometimes comes from a sense of entitlement. This can come from deep within, a result of insecurity, stubbornness or even pride. (more…)
Can WORDS change a relationship? YES, they sure can! Words have the power to change everything, for the better or the worse! Every word that comes out of your mouth…